One of Us (Один из нас). Michael Marshall Smith (Майкл Маршалл Смит) . Harper Collins Publisbers 1999. Купить хорошую книгу.
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Цена: 500 руб.

«One of Us (Один из нас)». Michael Marshall Smith (Майкл Маршалл Смит)
Harper Collins Publisbers, 1999

Параметры книги!
307 стр.; переплет: мягкая; формат: 19,5 х 13;
Кто продает:
«Литературовед» (контакты)
(варианты оплаты и доставки) | предлагает купить: 912 книг(а)
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Описание книги

«One of Us (Один из нас)». Michael Marshall Smith (Майкл Маршалл Смит). 1999

Книга букинистическая в отличном состоянии. На английском языке.

It's not what you've done that counts—it's what you remember....
If you could sell your conscience, could you get away with murder?
Hap Thompson works the gray area between truth and lies. He works for REMtemp, taking on other people's memories. It's illegal, but usually harmless. Maybe a petty criminal wants to pass a lie detector test. Or an unfaithful spouse wants to enjoy a guiltless affair. All Hap has to do is carry the memories for a couple of hours. It's easy money. Until a beautiful young woman who committed murder leaves her memory with Hap—and won't take it back.

Now Hap is on the run: from the LAPD, from six angels of death in gray suits and sunglasses, and from the best hit man in the business—his ex-wife. Even worse, people all around Hap are disappearing in a strange white light. His only hope is to negotiate with a guy who may be much more than he seems, so he can stay alive long enough to discover who is and who isn't..

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